12-28-2023, 11:24 AM
12-28-2023, 11:24 AM
I'm here to help you.
Donation Support:
Coins take up to 2-10 days to arrive, as they are sent manually.
The only automatic donation method is via paygol(SMS).
If you still need help, please fill in the specified format:
Thanks Amber_Bot.
I'm here to help you.
Donation Support:
Coins take up to 2-10 days to arrive, as they are sent manually.
The only automatic donation method is via paygol(SMS).
If you still need help, please fill in the specified format:
What's your payment method:
What email have you donated to:
Transaction IDs:
Transaction date:
Thanks Amber_Bot.
12-28-2023, 11:26 AM
when you bought it? and whats your paypal email please
12-28-2023, 12:36 PM
btoky? offline?
Please let me know if there is an error in PayPal or if I should refund it due to payment problems
It's uncomfortable waiting without any news
Please let me know if there is an error in PayPal or if I should refund it due to payment problems
It's uncomfortable waiting without any news
12-29-2023, 03:14 AM
[font][font]뭐 지금 나한테 보냈어[/font][/font]
[font][font]지금 당장 3000코인 보내주세요[/font][/font]
[font][font]3일 전에 3000코인을 샀습니다. 아니요, 보내주세요. 연중무휴 브로키입니다.[/font][/font]
[font][font]지금 당장 3000코인 보내주세요[/font][/font]
[font][font]3일 전에 3000코인을 샀습니다. 아니요, 보내주세요. 연중무휴 브로키입니다.[/font][/font]
12-30-2023, 12:04 PM
Coins sent already remember coins are not automatic and it can take more than 5 days to receive