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Full Version: Unbanned account pls
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Hello, I have a complaint about closing my account due to a dispute with Paypal, which I don't think is true because I made a donation and my coins didn't arrive after 3 days. Then Paypal refunded me the money and I donated again, which the next day my coins arrived. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

ID game: lRevol
I'm here to help you.
Donation Support:
Coins take up to 2-10 days to arrive, as they are sent manually.
The only automatic donation method is via paygol(SMS).
If you still need help, please fill in the specified format:
What's your payment method:
What email have you donated to:
Transaction IDs:
Transaction date:

Thanks Amber_Bot.
can you upload the payment receipts please
-Id. de transacción
February 6

-Id. de transacción
refund or refund of money from paypal
February 9

- Id. de transacción
February 10
you have to pay again what paypal refund to you, because you received the coins twice
I received the coins twice because the x2 coins are on promotion? I only received 280 coins for one deposit. I don't understand why I would have to pay for that refund again if it was the same deposit. In conclusion I want a solution, I need to release my account please.
Waiting Pls responds about your case