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Full Version: Race Mode New Event Game Mode! (New Video)
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New Feature:
/givejjang     -    at the end of the match it will deduct 1 point and give you a jjang its a toggle so if you decide you dont want it type /givejjang again

Things to do:
10 Second count down at round start
add a on screen Guide
add rewards (1 win = 10 event points for all only in event channel)
force auto team balance off (easy but very handy would suck right if you got balanced to the wrong team)

[Image: x2jCfYF.jpg]
I like it '-'
woah o,o this is amazing
Ohh nice event! Good Event.

Good Job Steven!
oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This is amazinggg, i liked this event very much. Smile
I love it. Good job Steven!
the pothead ajajaja / good job buddy I like the clothes y el jjang <3 super bello I want to have 100/100
Nice, thank you, Steven.
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