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Full Version: Helios kicking me out of room
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I was in the game room and helios comes in the game and next thing I know I am disconnected to the server screen. 
Ouro please check logs, I know you are saying you already did. This is very suspiciousous because i had been in the room before and as soon as he comes in, I got disconnected.
Hi there,
I recently came out of an event. Was this earlier today ?
Also are you using the refer a friend system to win donors ? i would kindly like to know if you don't mind why you are afk in a gameroom ?

Forwarded to Head Staff and or Owner.
thank u,

helios demoted
i already check logs and Helios did nothing of what you said
As you can see (Triwe) already check the logs and helios wasn't kicking you from the room, It means that, helios is innocent.
/Solved and closed.