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Full Version: Can we use custom map here?
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Hello I was wondering if we can use custom map here? If not, am I allowed to put it in suggestions to be added? Perhaps training mode only with game password so other users does not crash.
Here there is something, but do not think it is a good idea because it would be very easy.
(10-09-2016, 06:33 PM)ichironyin Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Here there is something, but do not think it is a good idea because it would be very easy.

Where? I am interested in working on my skills with making maps!
Hello there,

Unfortunately members are not allowed to add their custom created maps into the game.
The staff team are the only users (developers ) allowed to add, create & import maps into the game.
You are free to create a thread suggesting we include new maps and show us a few of your custom made maps.

If you have any questions feel free to pm me or any staff member if you have questions.

Thread Closed.