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Full Version: Shots not registering damage
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Pages: 1 2
Sometimes the dmg counter is bugging. It showed 150dmg and i got the kills at 1v1.
@Killbabe and @Sigma...

He's talking about all of shots/hits doing 0 damage in general, it has nothing to do with PBs or player-locations.
It's a bug and it's been noticed tons of times already and the solution I provided should fix it...
Quote:Step by Step:

Download the sendspace link.
Open the folder and xtract ALL of the items within it.
Replace them in your Program Files (x86) folder "universegunz" --> wherever UGG is located on your computer (it will ask if you want to replace the files, click yes for all).
Run UGG.exe (launcher) as administrator.
Can't really help you if you don't follow through back with your threads...
Hello Shredded,
Have you resolved your issue ?
If not feel free to pm me or any staff member.
Thread will be closed in 24h if there is no response.

Thread closed.

User inactive.
Pages: 1 2