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Full Version: [TUTORIAL] Clan Emblem Fix
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Clan Emblem - Possible Fix

Lately, some players of UGG cant see their clan emblems, so, here is a little fix.
Note that it is not a fix that is for sure going to work. So note that, if it does not work for you, then create a thread at the Support & Help section and staff members will help you as soon as possible.

Step 1: Close your client (UGG.exe).
Step 2: Download the following clan emblem folder: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
Step 3: Unpack/unzip it with Winrar.
Step 4: Delete your current emblem folder and replace it with the new one that you downloaded.
Step 5: Re-start UGG.exe (via the launcher) and you should now be able to see your emblems as well as others.

- Killbabe
Thanks <3
P.S. I fixed a few errors for you (:
Great tutorial.
Good job , thank you xD
Thank you Smile
Nice work, thanks for the tutorial.
Remember the clan emblem file will have to be updated
Every so often due to new emblems being added everyday.