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Full Version: How to fix/maximize fps?
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My fps is below 200

How do I raise it to 300
lower ur ingane solutiom for example go down to 800x600
use arechtype
dont use lightmap
change char image quality to 6 if u like it
lower effect quality

buy a new grafic card or update ur driver?
Resolution is like 600x400
Char quality is 8 isn't that better than 6

Effect quality is at 8
dont use antializing
try a custom solution like 400x300, ur screen will look pretty big but it will fix ur fps if u use a bad graficcard

edit:try 640x480 with 16ppb befor u try 400x300
video card and graphics card for more fps

Check your video card temperature. Overheating may low your fps rate.

Kind Regards.
Hello There, 

Things you can do that might increase your fps:

 Lower the resolution.
 Deactivate Reflection Effect
 Deactivate Light Map
 Deactivate Shader
 Deactivate Dynamic Light
 Deactivate Sword Trail
 Deactivate Nozzle Flare
 Deactivate Bullet Projectiles
 Deactivate Shotgun Spark
 Lower the Background imate quality
 Lower the Effect quality
 Lower the Texture quality

If you have any other inquiries let me know or send me a private message.

Thank you. 
~~ Kllaus
Thread inactive. So i think ur ptoblem was solved. 
If you inssues persists let us know.

Thread Closed