Here I present a simple map I designed a long time ago. Hope you enjoy it for the novelty ;P feedback welcome but I made this just for fun a long time ago. I am uploading it without revision. I found it in my old computer.
Make it indoor. It looks nice.
Wow i liked men, good job

I personally like this one the most, out of the 3 you posted.
Keep up the goodwork
wow very nice man, i liked
sorry but this is really bad built , unlighted , bad textures
(11-18-2016, 05:57 AM)asilent1 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Here I present a simple map I designed a long time ago. I am uploading it without revision.
Made in 2006 no changes since. I was 12 then

(11-18-2016, 04:08 PM)asilent1 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. (11-18-2016, 05:57 AM)asilent1 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Here I present a simple map I designed a long time ago. I am uploading it without revision.
Made in 2006 no changes since. I was 12 then 
acceptable then