(12-07-2016, 03:53 AM)Spells Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.if this guy is legit, i'll go gay and suck on a 100 dicks. doesn't make sense how he is not banned.
every player has his limits. sure, koreans are good maybe even better than 70% of the population on gunz but NO just NO one can 3-5 shot with little to no effort atall every single round. This can only happen on ugg where KOREANS are priority over normal users.
kthxbai. had to speak up.
Thank you former staff for your contribution to the realization of this ridiculousness. This is completely stupid... It's obvious all of the top clans are hacking... Why this is ignored or even debated...? Where were these kids when hacks were still blocked in UGG? Nonexistent, not even thought about, or were on other servers hacking because they gave up trying. Kids like this are horrible for this game/server if we are trying to progress and evolve and continue growing the game and not let it die completely. This is super sickening to see what this game has become and to see all of these children run wild with hacks because everyone including God himself knows they are not built for real and regular play because they aren't willing to become better than decent at this game by practicing or playing legit, they would rather use third party advantages or hacks/cheats to "look good" when their actually less than a 55% K/D without those items for real.. They need to be made an example of and when they try to come back using a VPN or whatever ban them again every time. Anti hacks are coming soon but not soon enough. Letting them run all over us and this server is pretty much making players turn to other servers and forget about UGG... And let's just hope it stops them for long enough before the next person breaks through and hacks it again and it takes another however long to patch those hacks. These kids are bad and need to be kept where they stand, you don't need to let them ruin the experience for every other player, seriously, no one wants to even play this or cw and that's one of the bigger hits here. Like seriously... Yesterday there was at least 300 people on the server at this exact time, right now? There is 65. This is really dumb.
I mean it's funny enough hes hacking, but it's even funnier to see all you retards complaining that he hacks, I'm sure a blind mentally disabled guy with downsyndrome would easily be able to tell he hacks, yet all you morons try to 1v1 them and then complain on forum how there was no way hes legit, I mean come on, when in the time of gunz has anyone came out of nowhere and managed to do a score of 450/3, and was legit, never, exactly. So just let him be, w.e dont 1v1 him, he wont have forum threads to make, and you wont make 15 posts on every single thread complaining how hes unlegit.
(12-07-2016, 10:03 AM)Scythez Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.I mean it's funny enough hes hacking, but it's even funnier to see all you retards complaining that he hacks, I'm sure a blind mentally disabled guy with downsyndrome would easily be able to tell he hacks, yet all you morons try to 1v1 them and then complain on forum how there was no way hes legit, I mean come on, when in the time of gunz has anyone came out of nowhere and managed to do a score of 450/3, and was legit, never, exactly. So just let him be, w.e dont 1v1 him, he wont have forum threads to make, and you wont make 15 posts on every single thread complaining how hes unlegit.
(12-07-2016, 10:03 AM)Scythez Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.I mean it's funny enough hes hacking, but it's even funnier to see all you retards complaining that he hacks, I'm sure a blind mentally disabled guy with downsyndrome would easily be able to tell he hacks, yet all you morons try to 1v1 them and then complain on forum how there was no way hes legit, I mean come on, when in the time of gunz has anyone came out of nowhere and managed to do a score of 450/3, and was legit, never, exactly. So just let him be, w.e dont 1v1 him, he wont have forum threads to make, and you wont make 15 posts on every single thread complaining how hes unlegit.
Just to put this out there, i gave them a loss, and ended 100 streak(the last legit 100 streak in UGG was done by me and Beetown) after 3-0 then 4-3 from them camping on mansion inside the library and dinner room. mad ez
(12-07-2016, 10:12 PM)Curtis Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. (12-07-2016, 10:03 AM)Scythez Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.I mean it's funny enough hes hacking, but it's even funnier to see all you retards complaining that he hacks, I'm sure a blind mentally disabled guy with downsyndrome would easily be able to tell he hacks, yet all you morons try to 1v1 them and then complain on forum how there was no way hes legit, I mean come on, when in the time of gunz has anyone came out of nowhere and managed to do a score of 450/3, and was legit, never, exactly. So just let him be, w.e dont 1v1 him, he wont have forum threads to make, and you wont make 15 posts on every single thread complaining how hes unlegit.
Just to put this out there, i gave them a loss, and ended 100 streak(the last legit 100 streak in UGG was done by me and Beetown) after 3-0 then 4-3 from them camping on mansion inside the library and dinner room. mad ez
i mean my first ever cw vs him, i killed him in the first round and stopped his 60 killstreak while he was cwing the entire time, after that round i already realised something is fishy, ended up losing the cw tho duh. But still lol idk why he gets so much attention, when it's somewhat clear what's going on.
I have stopped Watch streaks NUMEROUS times, and I have streaked on that clan with certain players that I play with. (It was about a 20 streak in Haki)
It's not changing the fact that these guys are in the wrong, no matter if I am complaining about them hacking or not. It's not fair, it's not right, and it's *****.
When I can pb somebody about 4-6 times, and they're not dying, while I have about 500-600 damage on to them.. it gets old, tiring, and pathetic. I've also come to learn that they're using ESP as well, which isn't surprising because of how unlegit they already are.

It is what it is, and I do agree I shouldn't of bothered to 1vs1 him but I figured since I beat him before on his other character SOS I would stomp him.. but this time he literally stomped me because yeah.. unlegit

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