Espero que removendo essas coisas do jogo, aumente o fps, pois o fps está horrivel, meu pc já não aguenta mais o gunz, antes ficava 200 fps agora fica com 40 impossivel de jogar.
Mas bom trabalho pra equipe.
Bring back the old ant lead please.
Patch thoses new hacks, tiggerbot (SB) , utilities programs like to make UC, i saw so many people with UC, thats sad how pls dont want to ban them because he will lost ''1 player'', remove shots percentage. Back with the old rules, people abuse now (UC) because they will get ban 14 days and back to play again.
(12-09-2016, 05:58 AM)Ajax Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.1. New HP/AP. (^9HP: ^1202 ^9/ AP: ^2186 ^9 - Damage given: 0) - Screenshot: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
2. New UniverseGamers desktop icon.
3. New interface.
4. /autorec stops as soon as last person in clanwar is killed. It should stop 2 seconds before next round starts. (Useful for video/frag editors)
5. Make the UniverseGamers logo flash as soon as the loading screen shows up instead of when the game starts. (Most of the time you're too late in Factory)
6. "Man of the match" at the end of a round/game. This will motivate people to play better.
7. Completely remove voicechat in game. (People rather use TeamSpeak, Discord or Skype to communicate with their teammates).
8. Reward people with over 25/50 accepted reports with a report coat? This will motivate people to report unlegit players.
9. Anti dodge system for clan war / Hide clan names in queue.
10. Remove NOT-used custom maps.
11. Remove NOT-used game modes.
12. Remove NOT-used custom items.
13. Remove auto-events.
14. Enable Open Broadcast Sofware (OBS) for every player again!
15. Password on clan channels.
16. Move the FPS counter to the top right corner.
17. Remove Stairway, Prison, Ruin, Station as clan war maps.
18. Bring the cash item back in inventory.
19. Fix the alien shotgun. It's not a cash item.
20. Lower the amount of black meds or lower the damage.
21. Remove big swords.
I agree with the ones in red.
The other ones strive from other servers or aren't really required or mandatory improvements.
- Things such as new interfaces/icons are regularly with newer versions (like V1, V2), but I agree with most of the other suggestions.
- Flashing the logo isn't really important.
- If we reward people with report coats it should be around 50+ reports, nothing lower than that.
- Auto Events are useful for players in timezones in which events aren't hosted.
- Password in clan channels strives from other servers and it's actually barely even used
- Why remove big swords

(12-09-2016, 05:58 AM)Ajax Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.1. New HP/AP. (^9HP: ^1202 ^9/ AP: ^2186 ^9 - Damage given: 0) - Screenshot: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
2. New UniverseGamers desktop icon.
3. New interface.
4. /autorec stops as soon as last person in clanwar is killed. It should stop 2 seconds before next round starts. (Useful for video/frag editors)
5. Make the UniverseGamers logo flash as soon as the loading screen shows up instead of when the game starts. (Most of the time you're too late in Factory)
6. "Man of the match" at the end of a round/game. This will motivate people to play better.
7. Completely remove voicechat in game. (People rather use TeamSpeak, Discord or Skype to communicate with their teammates).
8. Reward people with over 25/50 accepted reports with a report coat? This will motivate people to report unlegit players.
9. Anti dodge system for clan war / Hide clan names in queue.
10. Remove NOT-used custom maps.
11. Remove NOT-used game modes.
12. Remove NOT-used custom items.
13. Remove auto-events.
14. Enable Open Broadcast Sofware (OBS) for every player again!
15. Password on clan channels.
16. Move the FPS counter to the top right corner.
17. Remove Stairway, Prison, Ruin, Station as clan war maps.
18. Bring the cash item back in inventory.
19. Fix the alien shotgun. It's not a cash item.
20. Lower the amount of black meds or lower the damage.
21. Remove big swords.
About the visual updates like interface: I hate big changes in the interface, but w/e.
Agree with:
8. But don't make it OP, give it max. the same stats as donor coat.
9. BUT I think it should be up to the clan whether they wan't to show as hidden or not (Like an additional Checkbox next to the anti-lead checkbox).
10 & 11 & 12 Sure, might decrease loading times.
13. Never understood this "solo event started" in the first place.
17. Totally agree with Stairway and Prison (keep Prison ll), but please keep Station, it brings back memories. Ruin idk, can be fun, but often gets abused by campers, especially in Lead. You can always vote other maps if you don't like these.
21. You can let them in, but please nerf them, the damage and range are ridiculous.
I totally disagree with:
15. Just why? You can ignore people if they bother you. With such a small community it is important to bring people together.
Other things you should do:
- Nerf donation element duration.
- Improve Lead (try prevent ucers, try prevent force laggers, try prevent any other kind of cheats which are currently being used).
- Color or Bold out Team-chat.
- Create a Mascotte clan member rank (unable to play clan war).
(12-09-2016, 11:13 AM)Watera Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Espero que removendo essas coisas do jogo, aumente o fps, pois o fps está horrivel, meu pc já não aguenta mais o gunz, antes ficava 200 fps agora fica com 40 impossivel de jogar.
Mas bom trabalho pra equipe.
problema é seu pc, o meu fps bate 600 facil..
(12-09-2016, 10:11 AM)phantom Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. (12-09-2016, 05:58 AM)Ajax Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.1. New HP/AP. (^9HP: ^1202 ^9/ AP: ^2186 ^9 - Damage given: 0) - Screenshot: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
2. New UniverseGamers desktop icon.
3. New interface.
4. /autorec stops as soon as last person in clanwar is killed. It should stop 2 seconds before next round starts. (Useful for video/frag editors)
5. Make the UniverseGamers logo flash as soon as the loading screen shows up instead of when the game starts. (Most of the time you're too late in Factory)
6. "Man of the match" at the end of a round/game. This will motivate people to play better.
7. Completely remove voicechat in game. (People rather use TeamSpeak, Discord or Skype to communicate with their teammates).
8. Reward people with over 25/50 accepted reports with a report coat? This will motivate people to report unlegit players.
9. Anti dodge system for clan war / Hide clan names in queue.
10. Remove NOT-used custom maps.
11. Remove NOT-used game modes.
12. Remove NOT-used custom items.
13. Remove auto-events.
14. Enable Open Broadcast Sofware (OBS) for every player again!
15. Password on clan channels.
16. Move the FPS counter to the top right corner.
17. Remove Stairway, Prison, Ruin, Station as clan war maps.
18. Bring the cash item back in inventory.
19. Fix the alien shotgun. It's not a cash item.
why password on clan channels, that will killalot of fun LOL
@Phantom, probably because of childish, annoying ***** kids like you who thinks it's "fun" to be a nuisance in someones clan channel or stalkers that need to stay out and mind their business instead of lingering and loitering in someone else's CC interrupting their conversation and peace, idk?
@Ajax I agree with every point. Hopefully at least a few of them get implemented in game.
Make play of the game at end of every match, so you can see the best shots, make play of game 10-15 seconds long depending on kill/aim %, but make so u can still leave cw match if u dont wanna watch it