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Full Version: Why this anti lead needs to change
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too much luck now
too many close battles wer ur winning most of the time by a luck shot and ur hp is most likely red most of the time

pbs from far away. kids are potshotting and pbing across the map too much damage is taken and given from way too far in the map

gunz is about skill battles are suppose to be long and not about luck and short 2-3 shot battles in 2-3 seconds

no gunz has ever been like this like I said gunz battles are suppose to long not quick and short please fix this

ive never seen an anti lead like this. old one was better pls bring that back until u fix the problems in the anti lead

also old one was closer to the old ugg anti lead so that was good

another things gangs in this anti lead are pretty much unwinnable u literally get raped if ur fighting 2 or more ppl and u cant win at all since u die in 2-3 shots and 2-3 seconds... so u cant even fight back
Sorry i didnt read what you wrote down but this is exactly the kind of antilead i'd love to play on. 4-5 shot K.O, no damage loss, doesn't matter what ping the server or the opponent is. Not biased to only brs and players with low server pings.

Thanks for the update. Hacking faggots were spanked till they rq'd yday.
I'm not liking this in fact It's made me stop playing it
It's not fun anymore I get bored and it feels like I'm forcing my self to play now that's how bad it is
It Literally doesn't require skill anymore and has killed the skill gap now anyone can beat anyone
Did Wizkid finish GOAT yet? prrr
(12-23-2016, 04:19 AM)Shredded Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.I'm not liking this in fact It's made me stop playing it
It's not fun anymore I get bored and it feels like I'm forcing my self to play now that's how bad it is
It Literally doesn't require skill anymore and has killed the skill gap now anyone can beat anyone

you dont know how to RELOADSHOT unclescrooge why the ***** u care about antlead???????
To be honest I like the current anti lead, BUT i get where your coming from 
/forwarded to marcos.
If u want long / skilled battles, come play lead with the older kids br0 Wink
Anti lead just need get used to. but pls update again i like the another, this anti lead lead i need to do 4 ~ 5 shots to kill ' direct'.
I agree.

Current antilead sucks too much , I mean I get low too fast , its *****

please change the antilead to what it was before
(12-23-2016, 04:05 PM)archnemesis Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.I agree.

Current antilead sucks too much , I mean I get low too fast , its *****

please change the antilead to what it was before

'' before''  The Old One who did not count damage, ps this anti lead sometimes too don't count the damage.
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