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Full Version: Advertiser Applications
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I just want to remind,if you won't follow the Format,your Application will be auto-denied.
vou trocar meu aplicacion pra owner
Name: seb
Country and Timezone: mogi das cruzes 15pm
Age: 19
Why I'd like to be an owner: eu sou mlk zika moro proximo da mae de neymar, eu crie jogando futbol na rua com ele mlk zika como eu
Why do I deserve a chance: mto mto zika
Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why: cara staff ta full de mlk nojentos, olha esse shon doente pra crl, fenn doente tambn, kllaus me falo q fenn tem pinto de formiga, nme preciso de recomendacion de elos.
Name: Jesus
Country and Timezone: Caracas, Venezuela. GMT -04:00
Age: 19
Why I'd like to be an advertiser: Because i like help people and contribute with reports on hackers.
Why do I deserve a chance: I can not really say I deserve it. if i take a chance iss because they know that i can collaborate with the community. It can not be said that a person deserves it, that is gained by acts.
Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why: i dont.
Closed,we will write the results ASAP.
We decided to promote the next Players
@Energyshot (Sparkie)

Congratulations,and thank you for advertising our server,we appreciate it!
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