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Full Version: Antilead in glad CW
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Was told to make a separate topic about it. This is the absolute worst way to implement this. Antilead works for gun, but it can not work for sword. You can avoid getting shot by taking cover, and you know you can not be shot there. With a sword, its different. You have to always be in front of the enemy- always trying to attack them. There is no cover. With antilead, against a 300 ping player, its essentially a battle of stronger weapon/element and players hitting each other from across the map on each others screens with absolutely no way to predict anything at all besides going to the other players house and looking at their monitor. It removes any and all skill based game play and ruins the point of having glad CW. It shouldn't be a battle of who has the highest damage sword and the best elements, but who is actually better at playing sword. If you'd like, I can even upload a video SHOWING you why this won't work... or better yet, try playing a 300 ping yourself in glad CW and see how it plays out. There is a reason no pservs have even attempted this. It doesn't work and breaks the system. Please set it back to lead- its possible to predict where people will end up based on that. Its impossible to see the other persons screen. One can be predicted while the other one can not.

Edit - Off note, there is one final official gunz server that implemented this, and it actually gets flack for being crap because of it. Pservs like this generally did it right having lead on sword and antilead on gun as it should be. Please keep that trend going with cw glad.
(02-20-2017, 12:57 AM)zalibidas Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Was told to make a separate topic about it. This is the absolute worst way to implement this. Antilead works for gun, but it can not work for sword. You can avoid getting shot by taking cover, and you know you can not be shot there. With a sword, its different. You have to always be in front of the enemy- always trying to attack them. There is no cover. With antilead, against a 300 ping player, its essentially a battle of stronger weapon/element and players hitting each other from across the map on each others screens with absolutely no way to predict anything at all besides going to the other players house and looking at their monitor. It removes any and all skill based game play and ruins the point of having glad CW. It shouldn't be a battle of who has the highest damage sword and the best elements, but who is actually better at playing sword. If you'd like, I can even upload a video SHOWING you why this won't work... or better yet, try playing a 300 ping yourself in glad CW and see how it plays out. There is a reason no pservs have even attempted this. It doesn't work and breaks the system. Please set it back to lead- its possible to predict where people will end up based on that. Its impossible to see the other persons screen. One can be predicted while the other one can not.

Edit - Off note, there is one final official gunz server that implemented this, and it actually gets flack for being crap because of it. Pservs like this generally did it right having lead on sword and antilead on gun as it should be. Please keep that trend going with cw glad.

Exactly! This is ridiculous to have antilead sword.. it's unfair you can't even tell how you got damaged, in glad cw half the time since everyone lags, half the slashes your hit with don't even make a sound.. You just get knocked back from the hit and the enemy is nowhere near you. Definitely need to go back to lead sword. This is the most craziest thing I've ever seen.
Digusting antilead gladiator
Its up to pls what hes gonan do woth these suggestions/feedback
Eh.. how do you know it was accepted?
As Lars mentioned, it will be up to Pls.


I'll get right to the point:
We had the gladiator clan-war before WITHOUT sword antilead.
This system clan-war was completely dead and was unplayed for two reasons:
* Games take a long time.
* People over 250 ping will not die.
This is true that the new anti-lead sword system has a lot of disadvantages and problems, but it is a primary system.
I would say that the damage is calculated with the enemy ping.
If your enemy is too lag, he will deal / take less damage.
In the next patch, we gonna add distance checks.
So you are able to beat your enemy if you seem closer to him

About the maps:
We're about to add + 4 maps in the queue of clan war gladiators, please, we want your suggestions.
Can't we at least have the option to choose lead and antilead? Lead greatly benefits everyone with under 200 ping in that they can actually predict and determine when and where to attack and when to defend. Heck, there are glads that can take down up to 300-400 ping people who primary glad. I'm one of them- and I can probably bring more over here. I'm just saying the option should exist to disable antilead much like there is for gun because to be honest, even with distance checks, I just don't see it working in a manor that would allow the same kind of tactical game play involved.

EDIT - A fix to having people run away, is to use small maps that have little running room. That way it'd only be easy to run from a person if it was 1 on 1.