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Full Version: COR3 - Dagger Clan -
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Clan logos: [Image: 2NVucVH.jpg]                            Or           [Image: WZ09dc0.jpg]

 Clan Name: Cor3   
  Ranking: 0   
  Wins / Losses: 2/1 
    Points: 1003  
   Total Points: 4   
  Gladiator Ranking: 0     
Gladiator Wins / Losses: 0/0    
 Gladiator Points: 1000     
Gladiator Total Points: 0    
 Create date of Apr 26 2017 11:43PM

Clan Members:
Westside  - Leader - Lv 73
Krustty - Administrator - Lv 121
Koy -  Super Admin - Lv 95

I like to introduce you my clan 
If you wanna join us you need meet the minimum requirement
1.You need to speak English and understand it.
2. You need to be level 60+
3.D style
4.Be Nice and lets have fun
Clan Rules:
We CW lead and glad mode only
Be polite to the people we do not like ego players
let's have some fun it's a game after all
contact any of our members for tryout:
Nice clan Smile Good luck!

P.S. its Depth, I love your first emblem Smile!
(04-27-2017, 01:37 AM)Cursor Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Nice clan Smile Good luck!

P.S. its Depth, I love your first emblem Smile!

Thank you so much.
Good luck with your clan. Nice intro! Cool
Clan pro. Good luck bro. amor2
Hahaha good luck to us! Dancing banana
jaja ful nb dildo usars --'
Westsidr no reseter clam
Good luck with your clan Smile
¡Good emblem! Good luck with your clan! Big Grin
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