Universe Board

Full Version: Crash after 5-15 seconds no matter what I do
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Well I have no drivers that I see that could be causing it. How can I find out what driver file it detected as a hacking driver? There's nothing on this machine that should be giving that false positive. @Pls
Did you install any programs recently or before/during your time on UGG?
Also, is your issue fixed? I have no idea why anyone has responded to this to see if it is or it isn't, but you'll have some time to reply so we can figure out if this is fixed or not.
Did you solved your problem? Please answer this thread. If you don't respond, the thread will be closed in 24-48 hours.
Some time has been passed and you didn't answer us. If you have any question or need any kind of support, feel free to contact us.
Thread closed.
Pages: 1 2