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Full Version: Recover Account
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UserID: lorsimon

What's the issue related to your account: Hello, I used to play on this server some years ago. I think I was around lvl 80 and something (almost 90). I just started to play again today, and I see my account has disappeared. Have all old accounts been deleted? Was my account deleted for inactivity or something? I would love to get my account back, since I had spent a significant amount of time on it, and I already had a kinda high level. Thanks, I hope you can help me on this Smile

By the way, my old account's name was "lorsimon" as well (as far as I remember). But now I have created a new account with that same name.

What have you tried to solve the issue: Posting this thread, I guess (?)

If you have forgotten your password a look at this tutorial on how to recover your account: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.

Thanks, Amber_Bot.

First I'd like to welcome you back, and we are very sorry that you have lost
Your name. Unfortunately we can't recover accounts because this is a new server
With a new Database, the previous server has been permentaely closed down.
Therefore you need to register a new account in order to play.

We are very sorry and looking forward to seeing you in game.

UniverseGunz Staff Team.
Oh, well, that's sad ;(. Anyway, thanks for your reply. And yeah, I guess I'll have to start again from the beginning. It's cool to see this game is still up, and has a well-structured community. Keep that up! Smile
(05-23-2017, 08:05 AM)lorsimon Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Oh, well, that's sad ;(. Anyway, thanks for your reply. And yeah, I guess I'll have to start again from the beginning. It's cool to see this game is still up, and has a well-structured community. Keep that up! Smile


Im so sorry for any inconvenience.
If you have any other question let us know or send us a private message.

Kind regards

Thread closed.