Universe Board

Full Version: unable to donate
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Hello! i made an account more than a week ago and i still can't donate, can anyone help? thanksĀ  Rolleyes
I'm here to help you.
Donation Support:
Coins take up to 2-10 days to arrive, as they are sent manually.
The only automatic donation method is via paygol(SMS).
If you still need help, please fill in the specified format:
What's your payment method:
What email have you donated to:
Transaction IDs:
Transaction date:

Thanks Amber_Bot.
that does not answer my question MR bot
Please follow the format below:
What's the issue you have been facing:
What have you tried to solve the issue:

If your account is new you must be:
- lvl 60+
- Play a total of 2 days (48 hrs)
i am not yet lvl 60 nor have i played 2 days yet so i know why i cannot donate yet... thank you for the help!
Thread closed/solved.
If you have any other question or problem, feel free to create a new thread or send me a private message