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Full Version: Cant Donate
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Everytime i click on the donate button on the site it refreshed and takes me back to the homepage and says i cannot donate at this time. It's really lame. I had full donor account before Stephen screwed up this server and now i cant even donate? Very encouraging.
I'm here to help you.
Donation Support:
Coins take up to 2-10 days to arrive, as they are sent manually.
The only automatic donation method is via paygol(SMS).
If you still need help, please fill in the specified format:
What's your payment method:
What email have you donated to:
Transaction IDs:
Transaction date:

Thanks Amber_Bot.
Hello fujikura
To be able to donate you must have a char lv 60+ and played for 48 hours

If the following message continues to appear the server has exceeded it's monthly donation limit
and you will be able to donate as soon as the previous transactions from other players are sent.
That sounds like a genius business model.
Thread closed.
If you have any other question feel free to create another thread.