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Full Version: Hello all! New player!
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Hello Matt, welcome.
Welcome Matt!
Have fun!

Welcome to UGGTongue
ty all. i appreciate the luvs! :"D
Hello Smile 
welcome mate
welcome matt Big Grin
(11-28-2017, 04:52 AM)Lars Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Do you quest ?

No i dont usually quest im more of a duel tdm cw'er. Id give quest a shot tho, i need to reach level 99 asap and if questing will help id be down to try! Big Grin
(11-28-2017, 03:32 PM)Valor Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(11-28-2017, 04:52 AM)Lars Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Do you quest ?

No i dont usually quest im more of a duel tdm cw'er. Id give quest a shot tho, i need to reach level 99 asap and if questing will help id be down to try! Big Grin

Honestly you get the most exp from cw, so your best bet is to do a ***** ton of cw to level up fast
Welcome Matt, nice to meet you bro!
Hey Matt.
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