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Full Version: Text Issues
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Hi, I'm new and haven't played since ijji.

I have a problem where my text is huge. I expect it is because I am playing on a 4k tv, however I have tried lots of things to fix it such as:

Change to native resolution.
Change to 1080p
Change desktop and game resolution to 1080p (this causes some strange lines across the screen and still have huge text)
Try both full screen on and off
Change the scaling through windows settings
Change AA settings (this causes some other strange lines to appear between text when it is 2x or 4x)

If you have any ideas please let me know Smile

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Try setting your native resolution, and bring the windows dpi setting to 100% if its above. Logout of windows and log back in. Try to load the game and see what happens. If you don't log out after applying the dpi setting, Legacy applications wont take the effect.
Hello There,

Setting your windows scaling settings back to 100% the in game text font should restored to normal font. However you are left with the issue of havingvery big font, huge title bars/icons and such, this is because your desktop/pc resolution is much higher than the gunz program can support.
If you understand how to change scaling settings and properties, a temporary solution would be to change the scaling settings down to 100% and reduce screen resolution during your duration of game play, then back up after you are done.

** Games are projected to work with 4:3 and 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions.

If your problem continues to occur feel free to shoot me a private message i will be glad to assist you.

Kind Regards,