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Full Version: Old account recover
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Im a returning player, I was active from 2008 to 2014.

My problem is that I cant login to my old account and when I try to recover it, it says my email doesnt exist. I tried making a new account with the same email and oddly enough it worked. When I go back into my email history I can still see the old emails for when I recovered my account in 2014.

My question is was there an account wipe? I really want to get my old account back because I had many donation items and high level characters. Is this possible?

My old user id is : 'kingmega' and the email I used is '[email protected]'

Hope this can be resolved soon.
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Thanks Amber_Bot.
If your account is from the old server, It is impossible to recover because all accounts from the old database are being deleted, and Staff doens't have the acess.
This is a new server, with a new Owner.
(12-28-2017, 11:26 AM)Swallow Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.If your account is from the old server, It is impossible to recover because all accounts from the old database are being deleted, and Staff doens't have the acess.
This is a new server, with a new Owner.

I see! Well that explains why I wasnt succesfull then lol. Thank you for your answer! I'll just start fresh then, cheers.
No Problem!
Good luck with your new account see you in game!
Anything you need, you can pm me
Thanks @Swallow!

Answered & Closed.