Hello guys i've made a new shotgun called Fire shotgun :

and i feel it's special so i want your opinion guys
Hope you like it
mgdmgd system developer.
looks like a gas welder that i use in real life e.e
Thanks benjaminbg
And indeed it is Phanta

i am thinking if we can make it shoots fire effect ingame and the one that gets hit go on fire Lol

(06-09-2016, 12:40 PM)mgdmgd Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Thanks benjaminbg
And indeed it is Phanta
i am thinking if we can make it shoots fire effect ingame and the one that gets hit go on fire Lol 
About that, i think we can put the fire just like if you get hit with the enchant.
that looks sexy and amazing e.e good job
think the graphics for it are too real-life ish for actual gunz tho
apart from that well done
thats not ashotgun thats a blowtorch
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