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Full Version: Police Out for Now
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Hello UGG community,

I understand how some of you feel about how “inactive” I am as a staff member, and I took your word for it. I’m a grown a55 man, and I can take criticism so it’s fine with me. I apologize if I haven’t provided you enough of my effort. I am in the military and I also take college courses all at once and that’s my reason. Every chance I got, I made sure I contributed some time to help out the community and host some events for yall. I will be resigning as a staff member and am planning to come back to my position when I’ll have more than enough time to be here for you guys for any type of help or events. This really isn’t a goodbye because I’ll be on here every-now-and-then as a regular user, but I thought you guys deserve to understand where I’m coming from.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me along, and to those who have been respectful players. Make sure you have fun on this game.

Please don’t hesitate to still ask me any questions or for help, I’ll do what I could.

People have lives and can’t commit their lives to a private server. I can’t understand why people whine.
Adios amigo
i will see you on those webCAM site's man, can't wait for it.

Camgirl ;8
Peace bro!
GoodBye @Police  Heart
I hope to see you soon.
goodluck to you
Good luck in your life.
Hasta luego, sigue tu vida
(04-14-2018, 05:31 PM)phantom Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.goodluck to you

 Nice you ***** ***** you made him quit
ididnt make him quit , i complained that he gave me a false warning lol  and it got revoked eventually
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