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Full Version: Spring Tournaments 2v2 Lead/Anti-Lead
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[Image: uggtournament2.png]
Hello Universe GunnerZ, we will be hosting two tournaments back to back !
They will both take place on the weekend starting
Saturday May, 12th 2018.
They are both 2 v 2 tournaments, one will be Lead
the other will be Anti-Lead (Sunday May, 13 2018)

[Image: UkDWZ9G.png]

* Single Elimination 2 v 2 Tournament
* Camping is prohibited
* Each match will be 5 Min - 20 rounds match 
* Lagging/Spiking is prohibited - Will result in a disqualification
* General chat will not be allowed, you may only use team chat
* White bright sets / Avatars will not be allowed
* Must provide a replay (F11) 
Rules may change according to Staff 

[Image: dbfvJZC.png]

Shotguns: Pioneer and breaker 8
Sword: Devil Slayer 
Meds: Lvl.30 5/5 
Max HP/AP: 140/140

[Image: xtlKbNd.png]
High Haven
Battle arena

[Image: peaBf4x.png]

Player 1: Character Name / Country (Anti-Lead)
Player 2: Character Name / Country (Anti-Lead)
Sub: Character Name / Country (Anti-Lead)

[Image: ih5KOaq.png]
Player 1: Character Name / Country (Lead)
Player 2: Character Name / Country (Lead)
Sub: Character Name / Country (Lead)

NOTE: You have the option to sign up for both or one tournament.

[Image: K6R2Wdl.png]

1st place: 200 Donator Coins + Gold Member
2nd place: 150 Donator Coins 
3rd place: 100 Donator Coins 

Your Tournament Hosts  @Michou @YatenN @Scarecrow @Kllaus @Fenn
Sign-Ups will close on Sunday May, 6th 2018. 
This thread is strictly for sign-ups only! 


Thank you,
Staff Team 


유로건즈 2:2 토너먼트 리드 / 안티리드  

규칙 :

* 캠핑은 허용되지 않습니다.
* 각 경기는 5분이며, 20라운드를 경기합니다.
* 각종 버그 및 해킹 (핵) 프로그램 사용 금지. 적발시 팀 전체 실격 처리 됩니다.
* 일반채팅은 허용되지않습니다. 당신은 오직 팀 채팅만을 사용하여야합니다.
* 하얀색 밝은 셋트 / 아바타는 허용되지않습니다.
* 토너먼트 진행자는 F11로 녹화후 리플레이를 Staff Team에게 제공해야합니다.
( 제공하지않을경우 실격처리 )
* Staff Team에 따라 규칙이 변경 될 수 있습니다.

아이템 :

* 샷건 : 파이오니어 , 브레이커 8
*  칼 : 데빌슬레이어
* 회복킷 : Lv 30 5/5 회복킷만 허용됩니다.
*  최대HP/AP : 135/135

맵 :

High Haven , Battle arena , Town , Factory , Port , Castle , Mansion

참가 신청서 양식 :

Player 1: Character Name / Country (Anti-Lead) or (Lead)
Player 2: Character Name / Country (Anti-Lead) or (Lead)
대체선수: Character Name / Country (Anti-Lead) or (Lead)

상금 :

1등 : 200 Donator Coins + Gold Member
2등 : 150 Donator Coins
3등 : 100 Donator Coins 

토너먼트 게시글에는 토너먼트 참가 신청서 를 제외한 다른글은 게시할수 없습니다.

토너먼트 참가 신청서는 5/9 일 까지 신청할수 있습니다.  토너먼트 일 6 월 29 일과 6 월 30 일.


Staff Team.
Player 1: NewDivine / Venezuela (Anti-Lead)
Player 2: Morales / Venezuela (Anti-Lead)
Player 1: Akimbo / Hong Kong (Anti-Lead)
Player 2: Phatcat / Netherlands (Anti-Lead)
Sub: yonko / USA (Anti-Lead)

Player 1: Akimbo / Hong Kong (Lead)
Player 2: Phatcat / Netherlands (Lead)
Sub: yonko / USA (Lead)
Player 1: SupremeZeus (Perú) Anti - Lead
Player 2: SupremeHAS (Perú) Anti - Lead
SUB : DEberp (Perú)
Player 1: SupremeZeus (Perú) Lead
Player 2: SupremeHAS (Perú) Lead
SUB : DEberp (Perú)
Clan : RejectedFMs

Player 1: Lars / Netherlands (Anti-Lead)
Player 2: @TokerJoker / Wanna be USA (Anti-Lead)
Sub: Character Name / Country (Anti-Lead)

Player 1: @Lars / Netherlands (Lead)
Player 2: @TokerJoker / Wanna be USA (Lead)
Sub: Character Name / Country (Lead)
Player 1: Hitress / Brazil (AntiLead)
Player 2: Warpin / Brazil (AntiLead)

Player 1: Hitress / Brazil (lead)
Player 2: Warpin / Brazil (lead)
Player 1: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. / Peru (Anti-Lead)
Player 2: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. / Peru (Anti-Lead)
Sub: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view./ Peru (Anti-Lead)


Player 1: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. / Peru (Lead)
Player 2: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. / Peru (Lead)
Sub: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. / Peru (Lead)
Player 1: 1stjoshiru (UK) Anti lead
Player 2: Mackenzie Anti lead
Player 1: 1stjoshiru (UK) lead
Player 2: Mackenzie (idk) lead

Note: Im gonna stream so im not Playing
Player 1: KwakTap / United States (Anti-Lead)
Player 2: JadeOni / United States (Anti-Lead)
Sub: Tube / Philippines (Anti-Lead)

Player 1: KwakTap / United States (Lead) 
Player 2 : JadeOni / Canada ( Lead ) 
Sub : Tube / Philippines ( Lead )
Player 1: Toed ( Canada ) LEAD
Player 2: Angelkorean ( Netherlands ) LEAD
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