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Full Version: Staff Suggestions
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Fluent english?
What about all those south americans?
Would be Nice if there are Some staffmembers who speak english and others speak spanish/ potuguese.
Which is the case right now.

Ps: Why didnt you post this in suggestion section?
(04-23-2018, 04:31 AM)Yhs Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Fluent english?
What about all those south americans?
Would be Nice if there are Some staffmembers who speak english and others speak spanish/ potuguese.
Which is the case right now.

Ps: Why didnt you post this in suggestion section?

Well others do speak english but when they host event they only start speaking spanish and ofcourse some people couldnt understand so they had to ask other players on how to join or whatsoever.
And we already had like 10 Staff members who are from Brazil.

And i forgot to put it on suggestion section lol
the only way to save gunz, is put jikali as head staff.

I agree with the language should be even English and Spanish for all time zones
(04-23-2018, 10:45 AM)Krustty Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.the only way to save gunz, is put jikali as head staff.


kys Krab i only posted this because ive seen some corrupted staff, yes im not blind i can see jajaja
I don't want this server to be like the other server who became corrupt ....
Pages: 1 2