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Well hello there cupcakes, not sure who is who anymore but I do see some familiar names but tell me an old IGN of yours if we used to know eachother.
Anyways, i'm Mask I was an ex-GM in the old EG/UGG server and used to be a gladiator.
Quite known in the glad community actually
I'm not sure but I guess there is lots of spanish people here now so Hola Me Llamo Mask
Hello, I'm Scarecrow
I used to be gladiator too, now I'm only GM
Welcome back.
Hello dude welcome
Welcome to UGG!
Hello Old [M]ask xD 
Welcome back mate, I'm old wakeBR xD Dancing banana
KĶKKKK there are more Br players then spanish :/
Welcome to UGG
IGN : Tuga, Amon
Old name : Swallow, iHatePurple
Welcome back ,

Old EUro / UGG Name : Tensakai / Gian also ex GM from euro gunz
Hola! mucho gusto recibirlo en el ugg =)
Disfruta lo mejor del juego, nos vemos Tongue
Pages: 1 2