I'm not clan waring again on ugg until this gets fixed.
Claymores/black med abuse
It's not a tactic and wastes everyones time that wants to just play gunz
This has been a problem on ugg for years
This is and was mentioned many times before. Never anyhing happend.
So yea cya arround
i agree and i trying to do that possible
I messaged marcos already... @pls
its just as bad as clan swapping
Ok lets be honest im gonna still CW BUT FK u get my point
Yeah in 2s its.... "bearable". But when the ***** gets to 4s-8s dear lord. *cough* TeamNova
Its pretty ***** that using the mentioned items gonna make the cw unique ! Hello??? It's makin the cw ugly to be honest ..
Is it too powerful? I never cw so I haven't experienced it yet.
But from the different view, it does change the typical clanwar and it does give less skillful players to get a chance to win.
I do personaly dislike people that use them, but i simply don't care enough to cry about it.
It's gunz version of competitive play, don't wanna lose? Learn to play, don't abuse CW by abusing 1 entrance maps sitting in spawn with black meds.
banned all peruvian, vnzl