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Full Version: Recovery of old account
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I'm an old Gunz player, I played it when IJJI was alive, and I've also played EuroGunz (at that time).
I've an account with username: maffiarpg or maffia-rpg

I've lost the password and I can't remember the email I'd entered. I may be able to complete the email if i can see the first/last 2 or 3 characters (same for the password).

I think I'm level 80 - 100.
My account has some donator shotgun items which I received from a friend. I think I have a brown donator shotgun, and a green one.

Can I please have my account back?
We are unable to recover any old accounts due to us having a new database, as @Tuga mentioned to you in the chatbox.
You are not the only person who lost your account, everyone had to restart from scratch.
If there is anything else though, let us know.
Thread Closed.