So who's idea is u can abuse it all u want in free 1? It's like saying u can hack in free 1 but can't in cw. What's the diff. N-step is a hack. U can teleport behind enemies and kill them. U can escape when low.
People abuse this and it ruins tdms. Should be bannable on first instance and not 10. Change the rule. Cw is dead and people abusing it in free 1 need to get banned right away
I totally agree with you, this rule must be changed.
People take advantage of this stupid rule and start abusing N-Step in TDMs and etc... this is unbearable at all.
237 players online, lets ban the few players we still have for useless reasons, u just have to kick nstep abusers, its so simple...
That is not True.
People can be temp banned on infected mode and Capture the flag.
(11-30-2018, 04:57 PM)Tuga Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.That is not True.
People can be temp banned on infected mode and Capture the flag.
We were always told that we can't take action in people who abuse nstep in TDM... majority of us I guess this was the same for Infected / CTF.
Someone above said that they can be kicked but I'm telling you 99% of the time they just avoid kick or come back on another account.
People who are do N-Step on Free Channel 1, Don't get punished unfortunately because you don't win rewards like Clanwar/Player Wars.
If a person is doing N-Step on Free Channel, what you can do is kick him.
It will only be banned if the player returns and continues to abuse. (+10 Times)
So, This suggestion will not be taken at the moment.
Thank you,
Thread Closed.