Yo guys, I need a quick translation of these text messages in Russian into English.
its saying stop making retardeds threads
@Stallone why do you care so much brother, just ***** off lmao. I think you are so bored that it drives you crazy or mad at the moment. Oh no wait... or is it bc most likely you are a ***** virgin? If that’s the case mate no worries I could help you on that

Useless ***** why would we even care?
(04-22-2020, 02:37 PM)Lars Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Useless ***** why would we even care?
@Lars that for me?
First of all there are some grammatical failures by the message receiver( the guy who is holding the phone) and translation: X ( the white messages), Y ( green messages)
X : ahahaha yes I saw that filter
He is cool
Mironovich my dearr ( боже is something like oh my dear, oh my precious)
You have any kind of not secretly question ( problem) with him for sure.
Y : neither one filter is reflecting real people ( he meant something like 'any filter by that guy doesn't affect any real people' or something like that.)
Ебать тряхнуло ( bad words like ***** that *****)
Х : oh dear, what do you have there in USA going on
Talk about tsunami as well
Y: ***** up after tweet of Trump
Well strongly ***** up things.( talks about how strong was tsunami)
And then again shaked for 15 seconds
So dumb.
delikanlı adamın hali başka ya
Mano busca traductor por google