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Full Version: Gunz Crash no Launcher
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Bom dia, instalei o game no computador da minha esposa no qual é para trabalho.
Eu inicio o launcher não chega nem abrir as interface logo em seguida já fecha, instalei o winrar que é indicado mas, mesmo assim não inicia.
Dei uma olhada no meu firewall e como é de empresa ja está desativado, poderiam me ajudar ?
1 - Gunz Crash issue
Different kinds of programs/dll's might cause crash, so after asking for the mlog it's important to get the player's contact (Skype/Facebook/etc) to try all possibilities.

1.1 - Search and uninstall any of the following drivers/dll's:
* Audio Driver Nahimic
* PlaysTV / Raptr
* Razer Kraken and ManOWar drivers (0ManOWarDevProps.dll, 0Kraken71ChromaDevProps.dll, 0Kraken0502DevProps.dll)
* Sonic Studio 2 (installed on some ASUS machines) (SS2OSD.dll, SS2DevProps.dll)
* Steel Series headset drivers (SSAudioOSD.dll, SSAudioDevProps.dll)
* Alienware\AWSoundCenter\UserInterface\x64\AWSoundCenterDevProps.dll
* BitDefender AntiVirus
* Norton AntiVirus
1.2 - Nvd3d9wrap.dll file, found in Nvidia GPUs can also cause crashes.
Step 1: go to Device Manager > Display Adapters > Disable your Nvidia Graphic Card
Step 2: Locate the NVIDIA Corporation file, usually in Program Files
Step 3: In the file from Step 2 go to: coprocmanager and copy the Nvd3d9wrap.dll file, save it somewhere safe, and then delete it from the NVIDIA file (when you done playing or feel like you will need it, you can always put it back there). In order to Delete it, you will need to close all your running programs, or most of them, while trying to delete it, it will tell you which ones to close.
Step 4: Repeat step 1, just now enable back the graphic card.
1.2.1 - Information about the Nvd3d9wrap.dll functionality:
NVIDIA d3d9wrap dll, Version 306.97 exports functions that allow configuration of the desktop and its displays using the interfaces are exposed by this API. It provides the ability of Windows to control the display's functionality including the gamma, PowerMizer settings, and also to obtain display information such as multimonitor modes and a list of the displays that are connected to the system.
1.3 - As previously stated, several programs/dll's can cause crashes, some of them are probably not listed. Therefore, whenever possible try to go on teamviwer with the player and look for any kind of suspicious programs, like Anti-Virus or Gaming Softwares

2 - Gunz won't start

2.1 - If the user is playing on a Windows 10 system and the Mlog is only showing the graphics card info, you must to right-click on the UGGLauncher > Properties > Compatibility > Set it to Windows 8 > Restart the computer.
2.3 - Allow the UGG on the firewall and disable all anti-virus.
2.4 - Delete BitDefender or Norton Antivirus.
2.5 - Make sure the player has DirectX installed correctly.
2.6 - Clean the computer from malware.

Thanks Amber_Bot.
(06-01-2020, 12:27 PM)Bulking Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Bom dia, instalei o game no computador da minha esposa no qual é para trabalho.
Eu inicio o launcher não chega nem abrir as interface logo em seguida já fecha, instalei o winrar que é indicado mas, mesmo assim não inicia.
Dei uma olhada no meu firewall e como é de empresa ja está desativado, poderiam me ajudar ?

Bom dia, por favor encaminhar os mlogs mais recentes eles ficam na pasta Mlogs do jogo.
Log start : Mon Jun 01 12:21:44 2020

Current Directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1
12:21:44:647   [APP] OS version : Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
12:21:44:663   [APP] Window created successfully.
12:21:46:851   [ZUpdate] Create.
12:21:46:851   [ZFileTransfer] Create.
12:21:46:851   [ZFileTransfer] Create successfuly complete.
12:21:46:867   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection.
12:21:46:867   l.universegunz.net
12:21:46:882   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection successfuly comlete.
12:21:46:882   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory.
12:21:46:898   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory successfuly complete.
12:21:46:898   [ZUpdate] Create successfully compete.
12:21:50:913   [APP] Download patch info file
12:21:50:913   [ZUpdate] Start update.
12:21:50:913   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./patch.xml  to  ./patch.xml
12:21:50:929   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete ./patch.xml file.
12:21:50:929   URL: //patch/patch.xml

12:22:00:935   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./patch.xml successfuly complete.
12:22:00:950   [ZUpdate] Get update info.
12:22:01:029   [ZUpdate] Get update info successfully complete.
12:22:01:044   [ZUpdate] Check valid from patch list.
12:22:01:247   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./bdcap32.dll
12:22:02:034   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./lang.mrs
12:22:02:144   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./sfx.mrs
12:22:02:144   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./system.mrs
12:22:02:175   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./UGGunz.exe
12:22:02:175   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1/zspymode.mrs (not exist)
12:22:05:855   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./Interface/default.mrs
12:22:05:965   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./Interface/loadable.mrs
12:22:05:965   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1/Interface/Lobby.mrs (not exist)
12:22:05:965   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./Interface/Login.mrs
12:22:06:152   [ZUpdate] Check valid from patch list successfully complete.
12:22:06:168   [ZUpdate] + Total patch file count : 10
12:22:06:168   [ZUpdate] + Total patch file size : 46323203 bytes
12:22:06:168   [ZUpdate] Start update.
12:22:06:168   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./patch.xml  to  ./patch.xml
12:22:06:168   URL: //patch/patch.xml

12:22:06:324   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./patch.xml successfuly complete.
12:22:06:324   [ZUpdate] Get update info.
12:22:06:339   [ZUpdate] Get update info successfully complete.
12:22:06:339   [ZUpdate] Check valid from patch list.
12:22:06:355   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./bdcap32.dll
12:22:06:402   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./lang.mrs
12:22:06:511   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./sfx.mrs
12:22:06:511   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./system.mrs
12:22:06:543   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./UGGunz.exe
12:22:06:558   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1/zspymode.mrs (not exist)
12:22:08:876   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./Interface/default.mrs
12:22:08:969   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./Interface/loadable.mrs
12:22:08:969   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1/Interface/Lobby.mrs (not exist)
12:22:08:969   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : ./Interface/Login.mrs
12:22:09:171   [ZUpdate] Check valid from patch list successfully complete.
12:22:09:171   [ZUpdate] + Total patch file count : 10
12:22:09:171   [ZUpdate] + Total patch file size : 46323203 bytes
12:22:09:171   [APP] Exist patch file(s)
12:22:13:188   [APP] Start file updating...
12:22:13:188   [ZUpdate] Patch files.
12:22:13:188   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./bdcap32.dll  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\bdcap32.dll_
12:22:13:204   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\bdcap32.dll_ file.
12:22:13:204   URL: //patch/bdcap32.dll

12:22:13:751   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./bdcap32.dll successfuly complete.
12:22:13:766   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\bdcap32.dll_'
12:22:13:766   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./lang.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\lang.mrs_
12:22:13:766   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\lang.mrs_ file.
12:22:13:782   URL: //patch/lang.mrs

12:22:14:032   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./lang.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:14:048   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\lang.mrs_'
12:22:14:068   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./sfx.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\sfx.mrs_
12:22:14:076   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\sfx.mrs_ file.
12:22:14:078   URL: //patch/sfx.mrs

12:22:15:181   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./sfx.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:15:196   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\sfx.mrs_'
12:22:15:196   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./system.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\system.mrs_
12:22:15:196   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\system.mrs_ file.
12:22:15:196   URL: //patch/system.mrs

12:22:15:400   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./system.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:15:400   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\system.mrs_'
12:22:15:400   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./UGGunz.exe  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\UGGunz.exe_
12:22:15:400   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\UGGunz.exe_ file.
12:22:15:400   URL: //patch/UGGunz.exe

12:22:18:900   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./UGGunz.exe successfuly complete.
12:22:21:057   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\UGGunz.exe_'
12:22:21:057   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./zspymode.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\zspymode.mrs_
12:22:21:072   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\zspymode.mrs_ file.
12:22:21:072   URL: //patch/zspymode.mrs

12:22:21:870   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./zspymode.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:21:933   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\zspymode.mrs_'
12:22:21:933   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/default.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\default.mrs_
12:22:21:948   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\default.mrs_ file.
12:22:21:948   URL: //patch/Interface/default.mrs

12:22:26:854   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/default.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:26:870   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\default.mrs_'
12:22:26:870   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/loadable.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\loadable.mrs_
12:22:26:886   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\loadable.mrs_ file.
12:22:26:886   URL: //patch/Interface/loadable.mrs

12:22:32:134   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/loadable.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:32:166   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\loadable.mrs_'
12:22:32:181   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/Lobby.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\Lobby.mrs_
12:22:32:181   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\Lobby.mrs_ file.
12:22:32:181   URL: //patch/Interface/Lobby.mrs

12:22:32:541   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/Lobby.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:32:572   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\Lobby.mrs_'
12:22:32:572   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/Login.mrs  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\Login.mrs_
12:22:32:572   [ZFileTransfer] WARNNING : Cannot delete C:\Program Files (x86)\universegamers\gunzv10.1\PATCH\Login.mrs_ file.
12:22:32:587   URL: //patch/Interface/Login.mrs

12:22:33:087   [ZFileTransfer] Download File : ./Interface/Login.mrs successfuly complete.
12:22:33:087   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\Login.mrs_'
12:22:33:087   [ZUpdate] Patch files successfully complete.
12:22:33:103   [ZUpdate] Move patch files.
12:22:33:212   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\bdcap32.dll_'  to  '.\bdcap32.dll'
12:22:33:275   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\lang.mrs_'  to  '.\lang.mrs'
12:22:33:431   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\sfx.mrs_'  to  '.\sfx.mrs'
12:22:33:556   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\system.mrs_'  to  '.\system.mrs'
12:22:33:634   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\UGGunz.exe_'  to  '.\UGGunz.exe'
12:22:33:728   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\zspymode.mrs_'  to  '.\zspymode.mrs'
12:22:33:980   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\default.mrs_'  to  '.\Interface\default.mrs'
12:22:34:187   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\loadable.mrs_'  to  '.\Interface\loadable.mrs'
12:22:34:296   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\Lobby.mrs_'  to  '.\Interface\Lobby.mrs'
12:22:34:296   [ZUpdate] Copy patch file from '.\PATCH\Login.mrs_'  to  '.\Interface\Login.mrs'
12:22:34:312   [ZUpdate] Move patch files successfully complete.
12:22:34:312   [ZUpdate] Start update successfully complete.
12:22:34:312   [APP] Update complete.
12:22:52:759   [ZUpdate] Destroy.
12:22:52:759   [ZFileTransfer] Destroy.
12:22:52:759   [ZFileTransfer] Close connection.
12:22:52:774   [ZFileTransfer] Close connection successfuly complete.
12:22:52:774   [ZFileTransfer] Destroy successfly complete.
12:22:52:774   [ZUpdate] Destroy successfully complete.
Esse e o log do launcher voce nao tem o log do jogo?
Na pasta so existe esse até pq, não passa do launcher.
Estou com o msm problema, mas meu jogo ainda abre só q nao dura 1 minuto ele crasha
Certo recomendo os 2 entrarem em contato via discord para suporte
ja mandei solicitação pls meu discord é matheusdetoni#5558
Enviei solicitação PLS
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