Hi, everyone! My first post in this section and my ask is if this is normal in UGG
since I always see him playing with the same trick or cheat. ANYWAY! is bannable? is game culture play like so?Thanks for your responses, enjoy the game.
cheater name: you'll see it in the video (sniper player)-
It's called spiking. Meaning the user's ping is spiking ( from low ping to a higher ping drastically). Yes it bannable depending on the severity of the spike.
Keep in my that next time if you would like to report a user for anything basically use f11 and post it on forum > under reports tab.
Thanks for yo answer, bro. on many occasions I reported the use of these types and the constant and massive use of UC from players from different countries, however, most GMs (including you) differ and I see that they are divided opinions, that is, some say which is -bannable- and others say no because it is a simple mode. If you take your word seriously, how likely or how many reports are needed to ban these types of players? Considering that the / report command doesn't work since most of the time I don't notice any GM taking action on the matter. Everyone wanna play UGG cleanly and no cheaters, abuser or hackers.

Well bro, I can assure you that /report commands works properly. Personally, I always show up if I am online at the moment but that doesn't mean that I pm you or type something on general chat while I am spectating. So don't assume no one shows up when you use the command just because the GM doesn't type or pm anything.
And also if you report someone on forum with f10 replay, I , personally wouldn't take any action unless you provide me f11 replays.