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Full Version: ¡Hasta luego!
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fdpta solo quiere jugar among us y geometry dash ahora, y lo mas malo es q no hizo mi trivia peor gm, bye narizon sentiré falta de las mierdas q decias
ate amanha
It indeed is disappointing, shocking, but most of all, understandable.
Honestly, it's sad to see people like you quit GunZ since there's a lack of supportive players.
I quite this server about a year ago, but I'll never forget the time we spent in the Staff Team of UGG. As I told you multiple times, you were one of the best partners I got to work within a staff team of a GunZ server. Besides, from my perspective, you were one of the best Game Masters this server had, and that's for a reason. You were always who you are Smile
Overall, I wish you all the best in all the manners & keep spreading your positive vibes, @Allan.
Goodbye dear.
are u back yet
Hasta luego :')
Pages: 1 2