hello I tried to recover my acc from euro gunz, however when performing the recovery process, from acc ID "[I] [G] [O] [R]" I realized that in the email registration that should be hotmail I forgot to add the letter "T" remaining in the register "homail" can add the letter "T" just to make the recovery? because even today I still have access to email.
If you have forgotten your password a look at this tutorial on how to recover your account: You are not allowed to view links.
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Thanks, Amber_Bot.
Olá !
Então para fazer qualquer tipo de alteração no email da conta, é necessário o pagamento 40 Euros.
De qualquer forma vou mencionar os donos para que estejam ciente e que possam avaliar o seu caso.
@Pls @Triwedix
Discordo do Pls: PlsUniverseGunZ#6030