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Full Version: event shop and balancing
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pls did some ingame changes about the balancing, but u totally forgot to change the event shop. almost all items in it are useless. finalizer needs lvl 100 has dmg10 and gives 0stats. ingame u get dmg 11 shotungs with 5 bullets at lvl 80 85.all new accounts got ocean breaker and bcoat, so u dont need anything else from the event shop :o
put some new stuff in it or edit the old items Big Grin
btw u reach only arround 170 130 without donates ingame, donaters are arround 200 200. they make u with 2 pbs red and they can tank 3,5 pbs easy
/Agreed good point about the event items we need some more new items I think personally but Pls is gone right now and when he gets back we will bring it up on changing the stats on the items good suggestion Big Grin
marcos is gone right now? what is he doing :o
Theres no one gone Smile
Event shop still needs an update Big Grin
We will hopefully have an update soon for event shop for everyone Big Grin
After the update, we will be working on the itens issue, i totally agree with you, i don't see no problem with balancing the event shop for there are no usefull itens on it.
Exactly just have some patients with us and you will be happy with the outcome Big Grin
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~~ Kllaus