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IGN GM'S - Printable Version

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IGN GM'S - escube - 08-07-2016

why do most of the gm's put counterwhisper on ?? aren't they supposed to help ppl? dont understand what is going on with some of them lol .... 
most of them dont even help or reply when receiving a private message... 
Need some help with an UnderClocker got some replays to show

RE: IGN GM'S - Shon - 08-07-2016

You can post an Underclocker report in the reports section.
About the GM's,if they are not answering you can post a thread in forum and they will reply.
I'm not a GM,but I'm also helping in-game
Whisper me (IGN : Jan) if you need any help in-game.

RE: IGN GM'S - Marionette - 08-07-2016

Report it here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
And be secure of using the correct report format!

RE: IGN GM'S - Helios - 08-07-2016

Hi There,
Gm's usually block their whisper in game when dealing with events or busy.
I'm assuming you were meaning me due to mine be blocked at the moment, Sorry for any inconvenience feel Free to Pm me ingame or here on forums.
Also As Marionette and Shon said above you can Post your under-clock report in our " Report Hackers / Abusers / Bug / Etc " section;

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