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Lvl rebrith - Printable Version

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Lvl rebrith - Cry - 08-10-2016

I Think to make the server more popular and more active so i suggested this one:
to give the inactive player an advantage by playing like quests or something else to gain exp
and to let them trying to reach level 100 to rebirth his character and receiving like 100 coin
dis way of re-birthing  works a lot in another servers and it looks like a successful way to get a new players to the game
and to let the server become more active then the players will trying to reach this unique goal in the game.

RE: Lvl rebrith - Dvx - 08-10-2016

Wait, let me get this straight. You wan't to help inactive players? Could you explain it better?

RE: Lvl rebrith - Shon - 08-10-2016

Why inactive players only? Why not everybody.
I didn't understand you much.
Explain me in Hebrew,I'll re-translate it to english.

RE: Lvl rebrith - Haikou - 08-10-2016

What's the point of it?

RE: Lvl rebrith - Gager - 08-11-2016

he mean that in this server or in this game the only way to get donnor wepons is to pay dollars and as we all know not everyone can pay to get these wepons so this guy suggest :
for example if someone reaches to lvl 120 he will get 50 coins so in this way people can keep playing quest and get to lvl 120 and get 50 coins and in this way anyone can get donnors by working hard in quest / player war / clan war/ capture the flag which is gonna be more popular cuz those games are most giving exp so i support this thread

RE: Lvl rebrith - Growing - 08-11-2016

I better not because the person is to create 4 char, then he if would gain 200 coins or 400 coins, it is very coins to a person who will only be leveling level, especially with the level of ease to climb level equal in universegunz, one free high level has almost the same advantages as donator, arms 11 dmg etc ...

RE: Lvl rebrith - Helios - 08-11-2016

Its a nice suggestion. However Lvl swap is currently active and allowed.
In that case users will only abuse this method by swapping & stacking coins by re-birthing.
Maybe when the server grows a bit more and lvl swap is prohibited again, Your suggestion would be useful

RE: Lvl rebrith - Viruz - 08-11-2016

I could understand is that when you reach lvl 100 lvl restart and is given 100 prize ? if so it does not seem a bad idea

RE: Lvl rebrith - Seb - 08-11-2016

Liked the part where you mentioned a rebirth system, a logistic would need to go into it since some items surpass the lvl 99 requierement.

Idea FWD to pls , thread closed.