Universe Board
Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 (/thread-1529.html)

Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Shredded - 09-12-2016

Please increase it like it used to be, it shouldn't be that hard so we can have more players when we make tdms to play with

RE: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Boltz - 09-12-2016

I find it unnecessary

RE: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Angry - 09-12-2016

For what reason...?
When suggesting something, you should tell us why and how it will benefit us, we don't just do things because you simply want something.

RE: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Shredded - 09-12-2016

Because we can have bigger rooms and more
People to play with?

Why is this a big deal just put this as an option it shouldn't that hard

RE: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Helios - 09-12-2016

I'm assuming you're suggesting the max amount of players in a game room.
I find it unnecessary for some game modes but opening a 30-32 player slot for events would be fun giving users more of a challenge.

RE: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Shon - 09-13-2016

I think your suggestion would be helpful for events only.

RE: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Angry - 09-13-2016

Only useful in events.

RE: Increase the player count from 24 to 30 - Shredded - 09-16-2016

it used to be 30 players in the old ugg so why can't we have it here. no one complained and we had people playing