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Reaper's First Signature Attempt - Printable Version

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Reaper's First Signature Attempt - Reaper - 04-04-2016

I know this may be horrible to most or all of you. Just looking for feedback and pointers to get better. First time trying this.

     - I know the text is horrible, I just threw that in there to finish it. Will edit later or just begin a new one.

[Image: 1g2a1i.png]

RE: Reaper's First Signature - Ajax - 04-04-2016

To be honest with you, I think it's really good for the first time. The render's image quality seems pretty bad to me and the text position was not the smartest choice.

I am not a graphic designer so I can't do any better (I barely know how Paint works) than you.

RE: Reaper's First Signature - Dvx - 04-04-2016

Ok, so, there are alot of things i have to say about it:

• When changing the size of the render, press SHIFT and resize, otherwise it is going to look weird.

• After you have the render you want, try to work with its colors, wich i see you kinda managed to do.
For example:
[Image: re56nEu.png]

• Lightning, that is another important thing in signatures. And you didn't manage to get it. To add a nice light source, just focus the light in one place and darken the corners. Example:
[Image: TQ0jnq2.png]

• Learn to work with gradient maps, they help alot to give the signature a nice color managment.

• The typography, never, not ever, put it in the corners, it just don't look good.
Try to do something fun with it, for example:

[Image: 0PLa92P.jpg]
[Image: zMR2ZUW.png]

I am sooo sorry if im beeing rude or something like that, it's just that, for the first signature you did really good, and who knows you might have some talent for design.

BTW. This was my first signature ^^ something like 6 / 7 years ago.

[Image: 3auMJ.png]

RE: Reaper's First Signature - Reaper - 04-04-2016

Thank you for the feedback guys, I'll definitely take everything you said into consideration when working on my next piece. I posted this on a few forums and I actually got better feedback than I thought I would lol. For a first time sig I guess this isn't that bad, but I can do so much better. @DVD Thank you for the examples, your artwork is amazing I thank you for your words. I'm going to use more YouTube videos and picture guides to help me more. I love your work though it's so amazing.

RE: Reaper's First Signature Attempt - Kllaus - 07-13-2016

Hello There.
To prevent spam in old thread / spam bot this thread will be closed.
Thank you.

~~ Kllaus