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[SOLVED] HELP ME - Printable Version

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HELP ME - RooX - 01-08-2017

ID : picalindo
Character : RooX
Problem : Eu excluir o char e recriaaram ele , porém o cara não joga mais no char e ele e lvl baixo queria reecriar meu char
Nome do meu char RooX nome do char criado pelo individuo : RoOX

ID: picalindo
Character: RooXProblem: I deleted the char and recreated it, however the guy no longer plays in char and he and lvl down wanted to reecriate my char
Name of my char RooX char name created by the individual: RoOX

Espero que a equipe possa me ajudar  Big Grin Big Grin

RE: HELP ME - Helios - 01-08-2017

@Triwedix @Ouro @Ajax


RE: HELP ME - Ajax - 01-08-2017

That's the risk of deleting your character name. I suggest you to always have an alt account to put your deleted character names on.

RE: HELP ME - Angry - 01-14-2017

Closed / Solved.
Refer to Ajaxs' comment.