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[SOLVED] Cannot move - Printable Version

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Cannot move - Toed - 01-10-2017

So i went into a clan war and i couldn't move off spawn and had a lag symbol over my head. I tried Relogging, restarting gunz and restarting my router. None of this worked.


RE: Cannot move - 123123321 - 01-10-2017

This happens when u rejoin exactly after round ends happens to me hopefuly they patch this thing in new update. Dodgy

RE: Cannot move - Helios - 01-10-2017

Hi there,
Do you experience this problem in any other game modes ? or strictly clanwar ?

RE: Cannot move - Angry - 01-14-2017

We are aware of the bug and it will be fixed soon (hopefully).
As of now, try to not rejoin clan-wars and if you do, note that the round must restart in order for it to be fixed.
I discussed this with Pls and he is aware of the bug/issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.