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[SOLVED] Hacking Attempted what? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [SOLVED] Hacking Attempted what? (/thread-3283.html)

Hacking Attempted what? - Vane - 02-08-2017

Character Name:Vane
What's the issue related to your character: Every game I enter would auto disconnect me with an error of Hacking has been Attempted and then closes my game.
What have you tried to solve the issue: At first I thought it was my firewall, but notice that it was already off, and I am not using any type of macros or any programs so I am unsure of what to do...

Also note that I was playing fine yesterday and it has just started today.

RE: Hacking Attempted what? - Vane - 02-08-2017

Update: I tried reinstalling again,  it did not work.

RE: Hacking Attempted what? - Helios - 02-14-2017

Hi Vane,
Sorry for the delay.
Are you still confronting the issue ?

RE: Hacking Attempted what? - Kllaus - 02-17-2017

Hello There.

First place, thank you for using our forum platform. Here you are able to solve your gunz issues. Regarding your support, I have to say its not a hacking attempt. 
I'll list below some things that can solve your issue.

- Try to download
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view., this is a program that will help you to update drivers that are outdated.
- Maybe your computer may be overheating during the game. Check out its temperature

Send me your skype and Let me know the results if it doesn't work.

~~ Kllaus

[Image: thankyou.gif]

RE: Hacking Attempted what? - Angry - 02-19-2017

Have you installed anything recently such as new additions or anything that came along with a recent update?

RE: Hacking Attempted what? - Kllaus - 02-21-2017

Hello There

Some has been time passed and you didn't answer us. So , I'd like to know if you solved your issue? If no please let us know 
I sent a private message to you. later please check your private.

#Still Pending

Kind Regards,
Thank You

RE: Hacking Attempted what? - Kllaus - 02-22-2017


So, I think your problem was fixed.
If you have any doubt or need any kind of support, feel free to contact me.

Kind Regards,
Thread Closed.