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[SOLVED] Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Printable Version

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Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - jordisr - 03-29-2017

Hi all, 
I've just reset my pc cuz i had a problems with windows 10 and i came back to windows 7, its ok. But i install gunz and cant join it says Failed to initialize DirectX. I've already download DirectX9 but it doesnt workd, maybe i dont know how to make it work. So, i need ur help guysss. 

Here a pick

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RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Krustty - 03-29-2017

Try this: use dxdiag to diagnose DirectX problems and check the DirectX version. Simply type “dxdiag.exe” in the Run box at the Start menu. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.

RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Michou - 03-29-2017

Hey you may try to do "Windows update" since this is a fresh PC restore from what you said.
Usually you need to do windows updates > Try that and see if it works
You may also have to Restart PC and Reinstall Gunz.

RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Gazel - 03-29-2017

If it isnt working try to update ur drivers and download the latest version of directx.

Kind Regards,


RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Fenn - 03-30-2017


Please let us know if you solved your problem.

RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - jordisr - 03-30-2017

no yet, i`m trying to update the windows as Michou said but, but there are no updates available.

RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Gazel - 03-30-2017


follow these steps...
1. Press Win key+R and in the Run Box type Regedit and then press enter.
2. Then you will need to locate this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftDirectX. You will see “Version”, and a data value of
3. Click twice on Version and update the data value to and close the registry editor. This will allow you to You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view..

please let us know if ur problem is solved.

Kind regards,


RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Michou - 03-30-2017

(03-30-2017, 11:19 AM)jordisr Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.no yet, i`m trying to update the windows as Michou said but, but there are no updates available.

I think you downloaded an outdated version of DirectX
To check which version you have follow Krustys steps
Start>search>DxDiag> Look for DirectX it should tell you
Which version you have!

I'm gonna send you a private message and link you
to the most recent DirectX for windows 7 download
it and let us know if it solved you problem Smile

Ps: after you download restart your pc and open Gunz!

RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - jordisr - 03-30-2017

Solved by @Krustty

RE: Need Help (Failed to initialize DirectX) - Kllaus - 03-30-2017

Great man,

Thank you @Krustty Banana Dacing
@jordisr if you have any other inquiries let us know.


Thread Closed