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[SOLVED] Opening .exe - Printable Version

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Opening .exe - Grimsine - 01-11-2018

Well, I tried searching through the forum (Couldn't completely and thoroughly check the forum, I apologize if this has come up before and I couldn't find it)

I have downloaded the game, and opened the launcher. Downloaded the updated patches, and accepted the ToS. Once it begins to load to open the client, the game never opens. The patcher closes and nothing happens. There's no reaction what so ever.

I'm not sure if it's something in my system (I have even turned off all of my antivirus software just in case). There's nothing currently blocking it from running, but it doesn't even bother to get past the phase of loading through the launcher. Do help. Haven't played this game in years (I'm an OldGen).

RE: Opening .exe - Michou - 01-11-2018


Welcome back to UGG, in order for us to help detect and resolve your issue,
We kindly would like to ask you to share your latest “Mlog” file found inside
Your UGG gunz folder.

As for now, you may try to right click your launcher > properties > compatibility >
set it to be compatible with windows 8.

Thank you.

RE: Opening .exe - Grimsine - 01-11-2018

Amazingly enough the compatability option is what helped get it to work... So I don't think I need to post my Mlog at this point.

Thank you VERY much. Indeed. That was quick and resourceful. That should be in your install guide as well. Or your 'faq'.

------- Edit --------

As a small question though, the UI seems to be a little large, and making it hard for everything to come together (Or read for that matter)... Is there a setting that I need to tweak with? Or something else I need to do. Img below (Figured this would save space in terms of 'support'... Sorry.) Mlog included since that seems to be a way for you to assist. Again, sorry for the large amount of noobish issues.

And I have chosen several different resolutions. There's a lot of chat displacement as well, like numbers replaced by letters (I kind of expected that, but not to this extent. So maybe that is a precursor to my issue. Thank you for all assistance.)

[Image: 5nkldk.jpg]
Quote:UniverseGamers Gunz 1,0,0,290 launched. build (Aug 29 2017 05:05:15)
Log time (01/11/18 20:22:56)
CPU ID = GenuineIntel ( family = 2310 , model = 14 , stepping = 9 ) @ 2808 MHz
Windows = 6.2 Build 9200 ,  (1 RAM) :  Windows 8 or Windows 10
Display Device = Intel® HD Graphics 630 ( vendor=8086 device=591b subsys=7781028 revision=4 )
Display Driver Version = 22.20.0016.4708
Load XML from memory : System/locale.xml- SUCCESS
Country : (BRZ), Language : (BRZ)
Load Config from file : settings.xml- SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : System/system.xml- SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : Lang/USA/strings.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : Lang/USA/cserror.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : Lang/USA/messages.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : System/gametypecfg.xml
InitializeNotify ok.
WFog Enabled Device.
device created.
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
main : RGetLenzFlare()->Initialize()
InitialLoading success.
interface Initialize success
ZApplication::OnCreate : begin
0(Primary Sound Driver): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
1(Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
[0]Primary Sound Capture Driver
[1]Microphone (Realtek Audio)
LoadWave: Error loading file-------------------> Sound Engine Create : 0.644000sound engine create.
Load XML from memory : System/tips.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
start log bipmap
end of load bitmaps2
loading pictures : 2.663000
warning : bitmap LobbyNormalBG.png not found.
warning : bitmap LobbyClanBg.png not found.
warning : bitmap LobbyPlayerWarsBg.png not found.
warning : bitmap LobbyDuelBg.png not found.
warning : bitmap banner_Death Housetga not found.
warning : bitmap DuelTournament_off_kr.tga not found.
warning : bitmap DuelTournament_on_kr.tga not found.
warning : bitmap DuelTournament_on_kr.tga not found.
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap DuelTournament_score_timeback.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom.tga not found.
IDLResource Loading Success!!
IDL resources : 0.152000
start InitInterface option
Number of Display mode : 66
Number of Display mode : 66
end IIP
Init maps : no Current ChannelRule
Screen Effect Manager Create : 0.192000
Screen effect manager create success.
Error: sfx/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: sfx/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Effect manager create success.
UPnP: Starting on Port: 7745
UPnP: Adding port
UPnP: Port 7745 forwarded to
7745 upnp port forward initialized.
Client create success.
game interface create success.-------------------> GameInterface Create : 3.885000Error: Model/man/man-parts_shunter.elu mesh eq_chest_shunter node 34 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/man/man-parts_dryad.elu mesh eq_chest_dryad node 680 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/man/man-parts_gveteran.elu mesh eq_chest_gveteran node 6 face 2 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/man/man-parts_mummy.elu mesh eq_chest_mummy node 18 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/man/male-cloud.elu mesh eq_chest_cloud node 192 face 1 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/woman/woman-parts_blackdragon.elu mesh eq_legs_blackdragon node 301 face 1 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/woman/woman-parts_eskimo.elu mesh eq_chest_eskimo node 80 face 1 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/woman/woman-parts_bloodsuit.elu mesh eq_chest_bloodsuit node 129 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/woman/woman-parts_gveteran.elu mesh eq_chest_gveteran node 6 face 1 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/woman/women_lighthing.elu mesh eq_head_lighthing node 151 face 1 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/woman/yuna.elu mesh eq_chest_yuna node 567 face 0 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Error: Model/woman/Mario_head.elu mesh eq_head_MarioHead node 134 face 2 point -> physique 3 out of Range
Load character.xml success,-------------------> Character Loading : 6.883000
-------------------> WeaponMesh Loading : 1.670000Load weapon.xml success.-------------------> Worlditem Loading : 0.026000Load zitem info success.
Load zBuff info success.
Init world item manager success.
Init map Descriptor success.
Init channel rule manager success count: 9.
Init abuse manager success.
Init chatting filter. success-------------------> ETC .. : 0.569000BspObject open : begin interface/login/login.rs
RBspObject::Open : Open_MaterialList
BspObject open object list : begin
RBspObject::Open_ObjectList : size 1
RBspObject::Open_ObjectList : end
RBspObject::Open : OpenDescription
RBspObject::OpenRs : file.Open
RBspObject::OpenRs : file.Read(&header)
RBspObject::OpenRs : file.Read(&nMaterial)
RBspObject::OpenRs : Open_Nodes begin
RBspObject::OpenRs : Open_Nodes end
RBspObject::Open : OpenRs
RBspObject::Open : OpenBsp
BspObject load lightmap : file.Read(&header)
BspObject load lightmap nCount = 1
BspObject load lightmap 0
BspObject load lightmap : file.Read(&m_nLightmap) done
BspObject load lightmap : end
RBspObject::Open : done
Load smoke description mesh.
Calling OpenStreammain : OnCreate() done
Server Connected
Login Posted
Login Successful.
Calling PlayMusic
Selected character name : Selexia (53 65 6C 65 78 69 61 )  (len = 7)
Cloth VertexBuffer is Released
Calling OpenStream
Calling PlayMusic
start InitInterface option
Number of Display mode : 66
Number of Display mode : 66
end IIP
shader initialize successful : 1
Reset Device
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
SIO Done
start InitInterface option
Number of Display mode : 66
Number of Display mode : 66
end IIP
DDP erro 1 pid 19128 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 2312 error id 5
shader initialize successful : 1
Reset Device
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
SIO Done
start InitInterface option
Number of Display mode : 66
Number of Display mode : 66
end IIP
shader initialize successful : 1
Reset Device
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
SIO Done
Reset Device
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
devices Restored.
start InitInterface option
Number of Display mode : 66
Number of Display mode : 66
end IIP
shader initialize successful : 1
Reset Device
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
SIO Done
start InitInterface option
Number of Display mode : 66
Number of Display mode : 66
end IIP
shader initialize successful : 1
Reset Device
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
SIO Done
DDP erro 1 pid 16764 error id 5
Reset Device
Video memory 2008.500000
shader initialize successful : 1
devices Restored.
DDP erro 0 pid 10400 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 2432 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 5328 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 1408 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 17788 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 5036 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 3228 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 18020 error id 5
DDP erro 1 pid 2000 error id 5 

RE: Opening .exe - Michou - 01-11-2018

Your welcome as for the large text
Go to NVidia Control Panel > Turn Off VSync + DSR should help fix your issue.

RE: Opening .exe - Grimsine - 01-12-2018

(01-11-2018, 11:39 PM)Michou Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Your welcome as for the large text
Go to NVidia Control Panel > Turn Off VSync + DSR should help fix your issue.

I could not find a part of my Nvidia Control Panel with DSR in it. and even after turning off Vsync, it did nothing to mend the situation.

[Image: 29dd18l.jpg]

Really sorry for this. Would love to play again, but without this messy UI... LOL... But it's my computer, nothing else.

RE: Opening .exe - Michou - 01-12-2018


No problem I forgot to mention you need to also make sure your Scale And Layout is set to 100% < Found under Display Settings. 
I sent you my Skype via Private Message, feel free to add me on there for further help.

RE: Opening .exe - Grimsine - 01-13-2018

The font and UI have definitely shrunk, but it seems I'm having an issue now with getting into a map and staying there. Looked over the game crash post, but to no avail of finding the right file. So I'm not sure. I read that private message and attempted contact. Look forward to your assistance.

RE: Opening .exe - Michou - 01-14-2018

After spending some time trouble shooting with @Grimsine here is a list of the final results + fixes. 

1. Launcher Gunz Issue ->
Solved by settings Gunz compatible with windows 8.
2. Big text issue -> 
Solved by Turning off DSR + VSync in nVidia Control Panel.
3. Gunz Crash @ Lets Rock -> 
Solved by uninstalling "Nahimic" or "Nahimic Drivers"

Thank you @Grimsine for being so patient with us. 
Enjoy playing UGG Gunz. 
Thread Closed.