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[SOLVED] Lag - Printable Version

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Lag - Eun - 04-13-2018

All of the sudden in the middle of a clan war I became 300-600 ping to everyone. I restarted GunZ and restarted router and yet the problem still exists. How do I fix this because this makes the game unplayable.......

P.S. and no it's not my internet, my internet is not lagging at all whatsoever so it's something with the game itself I think

EDIT :: Just went on another GunZ server and the lag was not present so it's definitely something unique to UGG. Help please.

RE: Lag - UGG BOT - 04-13-2018

Ping problems 999 are related to connections that have NAT.
You can solve this problem by performing port forwarding on ports standards gunz 7700-7800.
Or also activating the service called UPnP present in all modern routers.
Here are some tutorials that can help you:
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Thanks Amber_Bot.

RE: Lag - Eun - 04-13-2018

Okay admin please close this thread, it seems after losing count of how many time I restart UGG the problem seems to have fixed itself.

RE: Lag - Scarecrow - 04-13-2018

Ok @snr86, if you have other problems, you can create another thread or add me via Skype. If you prefer you can send me a private message.
Skype ID: spectro.me.add
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