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[NO ACTION TAKEN] Donator vial meds - Printable Version

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Donator vial meds - Shredded - 04-18-2019

Donator Vial Meds
(4 Meds)
Pill 5x20 - Vial 4x25

is this thing stronger than donor meds? they give u 140ap/hp

wtf is the difference between pill and vial? so if im getting this right 5x20 is 100
and 4 x25 is 100, Does that mean the most i can get is 100/100. But can i stack two donotal vials? or is it 5 pills in one slot and 4 vials in the other? if the hp/ap is 100/100 why would anyone use this instead of donor meds?

RE: Donator vial meds - Eun - 04-18-2019

Okay so it goes like this....

EX2 Pills - 5x17 = 85
EX2 Vials - 4x30 = 120
Total (hp pill / ap vial combo) = 205 Stat Heal

Donor Pills - 5x20 = 100
Donor Vials - 4x30 = 120, but they are 1 second faster than EX2
Total (hp pill / ap vial combo) = 220 Stat Heal
Total (hp pill / ap pill combo) = 200 Stat Heal

So basically what this means is that if you want to do the traditional Pill/Vial combo with the donor version, you will get more total stat heals. However, if you choose to use donor double pills (hp/ap) then you only lose a total of 5 stats heals vs a bounty EX2 Pill/Vial combo BUT it is much faster to finish healing. With that setup you can easily out-heal (and rush) someone using the bounty Pill/Vial setup by spamming pills. If it's faster than that, how much faster do you think it will be versus someone with normal meds?

As for the price, I look at it this way. The bounty EX2 Pills/Vials already compete versus the Donor Meds, therefore an even better alternative to the EX2 will have to come at a premium.

At the end of the day it really comes down to what your play style is. If you only use EX2 Bounty Pills/Vials then I can see the Donor Pills/Vials being a good buy.

Normal Meds - Sustain, Longevity, More Stats
Pills/Vials - Speed, Rush

RE: Donator vial meds - Shredded - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 07:12 AM)Eun Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Okay so it goes like this....

EX2 Pills - 5x17 = 85
EX2 Vials - 4x30 = 120
Total (hp pill / ap vial combo) = 205 Stat Heal

Donor Pills - 5x20 = 100
Donor Vials - 4x30 = 120, but they are 1 second faster than EX2
Total (hp pill / ap vial combo) = 220 Stat Heal
Total (hp pill / ap pill combo) = 200 Stat Heal

So basically what this means is that if you want to do the traditional Pill/Vial combo with the donor version, you will get more total stat heals. However, if you choose to use donor double pills (hp/ap) then you only lose a total of 5 stats heals vs a bounty EX2 Pill/Vial combo BUT it is much faster to finish healing. With that setup you can easily out-heal (and rush) someone using the bounty Pill/Vial setup by spamming pills. If it's faster than that, how much faster do you think it will be versus someone with normal meds?

As for the price, I look at it this way. The bounty EX2 Pills/Vials already compete versus the Donor Meds, therefore an even better alternative to the EX2 will have to come at a premium.

At the end of the day it really comes down to what your play style is. If you only use EX2 Bounty Pills/Vials then I can see the Donor Pills/Vials being a good buy.

Normal Meds - Sustain, Longevity, More Stats
Pills/Vials - Speed, Rush

wait im confused af still. just tell me which are better meds give u more healing. why do u have 220 stat heal and right below it have 200