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Patch Overclock/Underclock - Printable Version

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Patch Overclock/Underclock - Pavvel - 12-20-2019

Are the admins/devs of this server going to bother patching the rampant overclock/dmgreduce abusers on this server? Not to mention the state of the anti-cheat is poor. If other servers are able to patch it, why can't you do it? why are cheaters being protected? are they paying to cheat without ban? Vitor would have never allowed this server to become a cheat fest. That's justs anti lead, don't even want to mention the peruvians force lagging, ddosing, etc in lead. Some GM actually told me in game that u can force lagg up to 300 ping and not get banned, i've never heard anything more ridiculous in 10 years.

RE: Patch Overclock/Underclock - abuchaibe3 - 12-20-2019

u asking 2 much for a tiny ***** korean aka Pls which iq is 0 and its obvious that he doesnt even care about this game and just wanna win money, also said by gm l0l stop trying youre not the first one

RE: Patch Overclock/Underclock - Stallone - 12-20-2019

well, at least ppl are supporting the server buying cheats Kappa, the server would have more players if all that you said didn't exist... unfortunately the owner dont care :-(

RE: Patch Overclock/Underclock - Pls - 12-21-2019

Our anti cheat already prevent UC hitbox, we will take a care of dmg reduce at the next patch