01-25-2017, 01:23 AM
(01-25-2017, 12:30 AM)zalibidas Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.(01-23-2017, 04:54 AM)Shon Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Well #7
We didn't had streamers. We will do it in the next tournament.
BTW,I don't think this gladiator tournament will be hosted again. We need to make the Gladiator Community in UGG bigger.
The problem is, there is so much to gladiator and so few people to learn from now. Guides about advanced stuff have been long erased and now players really only know how to spam side to side or flip. I'm currently making a guide with a few more advanced things to try for people playing gladiator so they can try to make progress. A lot of stuff, people don't even know about. Did you know if you dash forward just as someone massives, it will evade the massive completely and allow you to attack their back? Probably not. It is already written up.. just making videos of the techniques to have an example ready. I'm also willing to fully fund a player driven tournament myself if you guys don't want to have one again. The server will both benefit from having raised $40 or so from me and an event. I really wanted to be in this one. I would have even allowed the players to bend rules when facing me. I could care less if someone likes flipping or running. Just means I need to kill them with a different approach.
Very true and I want to thank you for allowing ne to assist you with this!