02-14-2017, 06:42 AM
Hey I know everyone has complained about these black meds but I'm going to complain again .. Because I can , it really is becoming a joke vsing these people with aid meds, it's like a roulette on which map your going to get vs them, there is no talent in this type of play and you are losing members of this server that have played ugg since 2012 just because they can't 4vs4 without getting HIV aid members camping with there gay ***** meds, I think you should wipe the meds out of the game in this update your going to do, and I bet you have alot more people coming to play this server again, Who ever uses these BLACK MEDS you my friend sucking donkey balls and you need to go back to training and learn how to play properly you absolute joke of a human beings LOL rant over